


90 pages – content in English

Digital Book – PDF Format

The “Box of Can Be… – The “Can Be” box contains all the possibilities, the conjectures, the suspicions without confirmation… the questions without answers, the theses without proof, the desires, the dreams, the questions of the soul, the tips received… The universe and infinity are contained within it.

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THE BOX OF CAN BE… Exploring the Infinite Possibilities of the Soul – A journey of self-discovery, cosmic connections and the mysteries of being
The Box of Can Be…” is a work that delves into the depths of existential questioning, exploring the infinite possibilities that permeate our existence. The book invites the reader to embark on an intimate and introspective journey, where the search for answers about the essence of being, cosmic origins and multiple past lives is intertwined with the enigma of the infinite possibilities that the universe offers.
The “Box of Can Be” is much more than a metaphor; it is a lens through which we can see the world and our own existence. Contrary to what it may seem at first glance, “maybe” is not a simple act of hesitation or doubt. It is not a vague answer, but rather a deep acceptance of the multiple possibilities that the universe offers at every moment. We explore the philosophy behind this expression, which not only gives the book its title, but also serves as a spiritual and emotional compass on our journey of self-discovery.
In our lives, we often face questions to which we do not have immediate answers. Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? These questions are universal and timeless, echoing through the ages in every soul seeking to understand its place in the cosmos. However, the answers to these questions are not fixed, but fluid, changing—they are in constant flux, just like us. This is where the “Can Be Box” comes in, offering a more open and expansive perspective in the face of uncertainty.

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English, Português


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